How To Tame Your Scattered Mind As A Parent With A Young Kid

Nicco Krezdorn
2 min readSep 8, 2022


Once you have kids everything changes. You are no longer in control over your time.

Juggling all of your new responsibilities, family, work life with your personal needs results in a scattered mind. Especially in the beginning.

By trying to be everywhere, you end up being nowhere

From experience as two full-time working parents of three, ruthless prioritization is the means to tame that scattered mind and stay sane.

If planning wasn’t part of your routine as a parent, it should become now.

You have to dissect and inspect everything that comes your way on it’s worthiness.

The time pressure forces you to bucket everything into three categories

  • requires undivided attention
  • can be done with 1/4 brain (=exhausted)
  • should not be done at all

Further segmentation are about immediacy

  • today
  • other day (exact time and date)

Create a habit early on of planning Me- and We-Time to refill your own cup.

Plan accordingly. I’ve written more on effective planning here.

Stay away from your phone as much as possible

I can’t stress enough how much of a mind-scatterer that device can be if not used absolutely intentionally. Especially if you’re drained and tired (definition of new parent).

When you are with your kid, be there with your undivided attention.

They will force you to pay attention anyway, doing it deliberately makes you both feel better.

Writing this I realized, I’ve only scratched the surface. Happy to write more on this topic if there is interest.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

